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No, really, this is what is supposed to be here.

Do you have any complete fail stories that you would like to showcase here? Contact to make a submission

Are you looking for the definition of Exorumentation? or maybe you would just feel like rumentating? Maybe you have some insight into the usage and history of these words? Either way, they are at least good for a slight chuckle. I am sure that if you exorument with these words, you will be rumentating in no time!

Did you ever hear the story about a whale that washed up on a beach near Florence, OR in 1970? It was really big. So big in fact that the people of the town did not have the man power to deal with it. This video shows you how they chose to deal with this problem, and all I have to say about is is....


Here is the link to the video. I know you will have a much better day afterward because at least you are not wearing 'Ode de GuT